TennisboardarrowATP SinglesarrowAlex de Minaur

Alex de Minaur's

Ranking 11
AustraliaAlex de Minaur
Alex de MinaurAustraliaAustralia
Date of birthFeb 17, 1999
Height180 cm
Weight69 kg

Last 20 matches statistic

Alex de Minaur Stats

Wins53% (220/414)For last 20 matchesLooses47% (220/414)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins75% (152/204)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints32% (68/210)For last 20 matches


Previous 200 vs last 20 match of Alex de Minaur

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WinsPrevious 20050% (2115/4220)Previous 2053% (220/414)LoosesPrevious 20050% (2115/4220)Previous 2047% (220/414)Recieve winsPrevious 20077% (1615/2103)Previous 2075% (152/204)BreakpointsPrevious 20024% (500/2117)Previous 2032% (68/210)


Alex de Minaur's Latest Matches






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GamesPrevious 4220Last 414

Win serves

2115 (50%)220 (53%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

23.62 %32.38 %

Won receiving points

0.77 %0.75 %

About Alex de Minaur

Alex de Minaur is an Australian professional tennis player born in Sydney on February 17th, 1999. Although he is relatively young, he is currently ranked on the 15th spot of the ATP singles ranking, making this the highest point in his career. On his professional debut at the Spain F22 in July 2015, he reached the quarterfinals. Since then, he has won 5 titles and has a record of 104 wins and 72 losses.

  • Alex's parents are Uruguayan and Spanish, and he has dual citizenship, oddly Australian and Spanish, and plays tennis as an Australian, which makes it even more unusual. 
  • He currently resides in Sydney and is dating a British tennis player - Katie Boulter.
  • His right is his stronger hand, and his preferred move is the two-handed backhand, and Adolfo Gutierrez is his current coach.
  • During his career, Alex has played 9 ATP finals, 5 of which he won.
  • He favours hard courts, though his latest title came on a grass surface at the Eastbourne International in June 2021.
  • The same year, Alex won the Antalya Open against Alexander Bublik, who retired from the match due to a right ankle injury.
  • His other three titles came in 2019 when he won the Zhuhai Championships, the Atlanta Open, and the Sydney International.

Alex has played with three different number 1s in his career and has won only against Andy Murray. He lost against Roger Federer at the Swiss Indoors final in 2019 and has played against Rafael Nadal 3 times, losing all of them.

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