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Attila Balazs's

Ranking 1043
HungaryAttila Balazs
Attila BalazsHungaryHungary
Date of birthDec 27, 1988
Height180 cm
Weight77 kg

Last 20 matches statistic

Attila Balazs Stats

Wins32% (76/237)For last 20 matchesLooses68% (76/237)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins49% (58/119)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints15% (18/118)For last 20 matches


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WinsPrevious 20032% (76/237)Previous 2032% (76/237)LoosesPrevious 20068% (76/237)Previous 2068% (76/237)Recieve winsPrevious 20049% (58/119)Previous 2049% (58/119)BreakpointsPrevious 20015% (18/118)Previous 2015% (18/118)


Attila Balazs's Latest Matches






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GamesPrevious 237Last 237

Win serves

76 (32%)76 (32%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

15.25 %15.25 %

Won receiving points

0.49 %0.49 %

About Attila Balazs

Attila Balazs is a tennis ace from Hungary. He used to play tennis from the young age of 6 with his family members. Attila has been professionally active in the tennis world since around 2006. His career started with Futures, where he won many titles to his name. Later, he participated in a few Challenger tours. Attila has won Hungarian National Tennis Championship seven times in total

Further, he retired in August 2014 from his tennis career as a player and took up coaching new players right away. However, it was not long before he returned to continue participating in tours again in 2016.

In the 2019 Croatia Open Umag, he made it to the finals only to lose against Dusan Lajovic. Winning this tour would have been an enormous achievement since his comeback. However, luck was waiting for him in the next year. 

In 2020, he played and won his first Grand Slam during the US Open tournament. He achieved this feat at the age of 32, which is something that rarely occurs at the tennis courts. He also reached his career’s highest singles ranking by entering the top 100 list in 2020. 

Clay surfaces are Attila’s favourites. Apart from tennis, he also loves snooker, which is a type of billiards game. If he hadn’t made it in tennis, he would undoubtedly have been a snooker player. His brother Gyorgy Balazs was also a well-known Hungarian tennis player. In fact, Attila has won five ITF titles, playing doubles with his brother.

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