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Damien Wenger's

Ranking 395
SwitzerlandDamien Wenger
Damien WengerSwitzerlandSwitzerland
Date of birthMar 17, 2000

Last 20 matches statistic

Damien Wenger Stats

Wins47% (164/347)For last 20 matchesLooses53% (164/347)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins70% (122/174)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints24% (42/173)For last 20 matches


Previous 200 vs last 20 match of Damien Wenger

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WinsPrevious 20048% (483/1004)Previous 2047% (164/347)LoosesPrevious 20052% (483/1004)Previous 2053% (164/347)Recieve winsPrevious 20072% (363/501)Previous 2070% (122/174)BreakpointsPrevious 20024% (120/503)Previous 2024% (42/173)


Damien Wenger's Latest Matches






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GamesPrevious 1004Last 347

Win serves

483 (48%)164 (47%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

23.86 %24.28 %

Won receiving points

0.72 %0.70 %

About Damien Wenger

Tereza Martincova is a young professional tennis player from the Czech Republic. She was born on October 24 1994, in the city of Prague. 

She has clinched 4 singles of ITF titles till now. Her best performance was in 2021 when she reached her career’s highest rank of world no. 53. 

Tennis Influences

Not much is known about Tereza’s childhood or what inspired her to take up this sport. However, we know that she made her WTA debut in 2013. But before that, she played ITF Circuits in North Africa and Central Europe from 2010 to 2012. 

Currently, her racquets are sponsored by Wilson, while her clothing is by Mizuno.

Hobbies and Interests of Martincova

When Martincova gets to have some free time during her tours, she watches some movies to calm and chill for a bit. She also works out to stay fit. 

Tereza says that she loves to travel during longer breaks and try new eateries. She also has 2 cute little doggos that she holds dear. 

Tereza is active on social media sharing her life with her fans. Her Insta account is lit with several cheerful moments of her day-to-day activities. 

Tereza has been romantically involved with Jan Jelinek for a few years now. You can take a look at her boyfriend on her Instagram account, where she has shared some warm moments with him!

Jan is the former partner of Barbora Jelinkova, the famous photographer. He even has a daughter with Barbora. However, the two haven’t been together for a while now. 

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