TennisboardarrowATP SinglesarrowGregoire Barrere

Gregoire Barrere's

Ranking 104
FranceGregoire Barrere
Gregoire BarrereFranceFrance
Date of birthFeb 16, 1994
Height183 cm
Weight83 kg

Last 20 matches statistic

Gregoire Barrere Stats

Wins50% (208/417)For last 20 matchesLooses50% (208/417)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins78% (163/209)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints22% (45/208)For last 20 matches


Previous 200 vs last 20 match of Gregoire Barrere

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WinsPrevious 20051% (2208/4330)Previous 2050% (208/417)LoosesPrevious 20049% (2208/4330)Previous 2050% (208/417)Recieve winsPrevious 20079% (1714/2174)Previous 2078% (163/209)BreakpointsPrevious 20023% (494/2156)Previous 2022% (45/208)


Gregoire Barrere's Latest Matches






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GamesPrevious 4330Last 417

Win serves

2208 (51%)208 (50%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

22.91 %21.63 %

Won receiving points

0.79 %0.78 %

About Gregoire Barrere

Gregoire Barrere is a French tennis player who took up the sport at the age of 5. At a point in his life, he wanted to stop playing this sport. However, his then-girlfriend, Marion Codino, encouraged him to continue it. During the 2016 French Open, he entered into Grand Slam but was defeated by David Goffin in the first round itself. Next, in 2018 he received a wildcard for the French Open. He could not even make it to this event.

Further, Gregoire qualified in the 2019 US Open taking his rank up in the top 100. Moreover, during the 2019 Orleans Challenger Finals, he grabbed a rank of 80, which was his all-time career-high. Again, in the same year, he was able to qualify up to the quarterfinals as a wildcard at Metz. All in all, Greg has clinched three ATP Challenger Tour singles titles along with 6 ITF Futures singles titles. Further, he has made up to 3 Challenger doubles titles along with 6 ITF Futures doubles titles. 

He is known to have won at least one round of a match at all the major Grand Slam events. This includes French Open, US Open and Wimbledon. 

Apart from tennis, Greg also enjoys playing football. His most favoured team is Paris Saint-Germain, while his favourite player is Kylian Mbappe. He also loves shopping and watching movies during his leisure time. 

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