TennisboardarrowATP SinglesarrowKei Nishikori

Kei Nishikori's

Ranking 349
JapanKei Nishikori
Kei NishikoriJapanJapan
Date of birthDec 29, 1989
Height178 cm
Weight68 kg

Last 20 matches statistic

Kei Nishikori Stats

Wins47% (208/440)For last 20 matchesLooses53% (208/440)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins73% (161/220)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints21% (47/220)For last 20 matches


Previous 200 vs last 20 match of Kei Nishikori

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WinsPrevious 20052% (824/1584)Previous 2047% (208/440)LoosesPrevious 20048% (824/1584)Previous 2053% (208/440)Recieve winsPrevious 20078% (614/792)Previous 2073% (161/220)BreakpointsPrevious 20027% (210/792)Previous 2021% (47/220)


Kei Nishikori's Latest Matches






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GamesPrevious 1584Last 440

Win serves

824 (52%)208 (47%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

26.52 %21.36 %

Won receiving points

0.78 %0.73 %

About Kei Nishikori

Born in Matsue, this Japanese tennis genius began playing the game at the age of five. His tennis achievements also started at a very young age when he became victorious in the All Japan Tennis Championships for Kids in 2001. 

At the age of 14, Kei left Japan and moved to Bradenton, Florida, to train at IMG Academy. He started his professional-level training here while also participating in various tournaments. 

After achieving enough popularity in the Junior division, Nishikori went on to win his first ATP title in 2008. This 18-year-old lad, then, was ranked 244th and is the youngest champion on the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) tour after Hewitt. 

Later, he went on to achieve 11 more ATP titles. His achievements include ATP 500 Champion title for 6 times, ATP Masters 1000 finalists for 4 times, and a bronze medal in the 2016 Rio Olympics. Moreover, in 2015, Nishikori saw his career-high rank standing at the No. 4 position in the world. As of now, he is ranked No. 39 by the ATP. 

Kei had to face some physical injuries during his career. These majorly included wrist and elbow injuries, because of which he had to take short-term breaks from his gaming. 

Nishikori had been dating Mai Yamauchi, a former Japanese model, since 2015. In December 2020, the duo tied the knot in Tokyo in a secret event. Further, in May 2021, he was excited to take it to Twitter to announce their pregnancy. 

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