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Kristina Kucova's

Ranking 570
SlovakiaKristina Kucova
Kristina KucovaSlovakiaSlovakia
Date of birthMay 23, 1990
Height163 cm
Weight59 kg

Last 20 matches statistic

Kristina Kucova Stats

Wins48% (197/411)For last 20 matchesLooses52% (197/411)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins60% (122/203)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints36% (75/208)For last 20 matches


Previous 200 vs last 20 match of Kristina Kucova

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WinsPrevious 20047% (838/1778)Previous 2048% (197/411)LoosesPrevious 20053% (838/1778)Previous 2052% (197/411)Recieve winsPrevious 20058% (515/886)Previous 2060% (122/203)BreakpointsPrevious 20036% (323/892)Previous 2036% (75/208)


Kristina Kucova's Latest Matches






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GamesPrevious 1778Last 411

Win serves

838 (47%)197 (48%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

36.21 %36.06 %

Won receiving points

0.58 %0.60 %

About Kristina Kucova

Fiona Ferro is a French pro tennis player born on 12 March 1997 in Belgium. Throughout her career, she has won two WTA Tour singles titles and four ITF Circuit singles titles. 

Ferro’s career-high WTA singles ranking of world number 39 came on 8 March 2021, and doubles ranking of world number 257 came on 17 May 2021. In her junior career, she won the girls’ champions of France and earned a career-high ITF junior combined ranking of world number 27. 

Tennis Influences

Ferro was born in Libramont-Chevigny, Luxembourg, Wallonia, Belgium. Her parents are Catherine Ferro and Fabrizio Ferro, and they ran a restaurant business before Fiona was born. She also has brothers Gianni, Paolo and Flavio. 

Fiona picked up her first tennis racket when she was 7 years old. Although she does not have any idols, she finds every player inspiring in a special way. Fiona describes herself as fast, creative and determined. 

Her favourite shot is a forehand, and the best tournament is Rolland Garros. She has had several coaches in her career, starting with Pierre Bouteyre, Georges Goven, Stéphane Huet, and Emmanuel Planque, who’s her current coach. She enjoys playing on every surface, but clay is her favourite.

Hobbies and Interests of Ferro

The 24-year-old talented player has an interesting life off the court. She loves listening to Oreslan music and enjoys cooking and reading too. Her career goal is to win big titles and Grand Slams. With her determination, she can achieve her goals.

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