TennisboardarrowATP SinglesarrowMatias Franco Descotte

Matias Franco Descotte's

Ranking 533
ArgentinaMatias Franco Descotte
Matias Franco DescotteArgentinaArgentina
Date of birthAug 29, 1994

Last 20 matches statistic

Matias Franco Descotte Stats

Wins48% (184/384)For last 20 matchesLooses52% (184/384)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins76% (149/196)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints19% (35/188)For last 20 matches


Previous 200 vs last 20 match of Matias Franco Descotte

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WinsPrevious 20047% (867/1844)Previous 2048% (184/384)LoosesPrevious 20053% (867/1844)Previous 2052% (184/384)Recieve winsPrevious 20068% (627/918)Previous 2076% (149/196)BreakpointsPrevious 20026% (240/926)Previous 2019% (35/188)


Matias Franco Descotte's Latest Matches






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GamesPrevious 1844Last 384

Win serves

867 (47%)184 (48%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

25.92 %18.62 %

Won receiving points

0.68 %0.76 %

About Matias Franco Descotte

Matias Franco Descotte

Matias Franco Descotte is an Argentine tennis player born on 29 August 1994 in Buenos Aires. He is right-handed and has a two-handed backhand and plays in both singles and doubles.

Professional Career

Descotte made his ATP Challenger Tour debut in 2012 when he played against Goran Tosic in his home town of Buenos Aires. The Serbian was a favourite in that duel and easily defeated Descotte 6-2, 6-4.

For the next two years, Descotte appeared in ITF tournaments and competed against lower-ranked players. In 2014, he returned to the ATP Challenger Tour and took part in the San Juan tournament in Argentina, but lost to countryman Juan Pablo Paz in the second round 1-6, 1-6.

Descotte's next ATP Challenger Tour events included the 2014 Cordoba tournament, where he defeated his first two opponents but was eliminated in the third round. He then appeared at the Barranquilla Challenger Tour in Colombia, but he once again suffered a third-round elimination.

The Argentinean continued to play in ITF tournaments for the next several years, and his ATP appearances were limited to local, Latin American events.

His first ATP Challenger tournament outside Latin America was in Stockton, California where he was eliminated in the third round by Jan Choinski.

Since 2019, Matias Franco Descotte has been involved in higher-profile tournaments on the ATP Challenger Tour and managed to win his first singles title at the 2019 Morelos Open.

He did this by defeating the Ecuadorian Gonzalo Escobar 6-1, 6-4 in the final of the Mexican ATP Challenger Tour event.

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