TennisboardarrowATP SinglesarrowMatteo Berrettini

Matteo Berrettini's

Ranking 124
ItalyMatteo Berrettini
Matteo BerrettiniItalyItaly
Date of birthApr 12, 1996
Height193 cm
Weight85 kg

Last 20 matches statistic

Matteo Berrettini Stats

Wins56% (232/414)For last 20 matchesLooses44% (232/414)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins87% (180/207)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints25% (52/207)For last 20 matches


Previous 200 vs last 20 match of Matteo Berrettini

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WinsPrevious 20053% (2197/4117)Previous 2056% (232/414)LoosesPrevious 20047% (2197/4117)Previous 2044% (232/414)Recieve winsPrevious 20088% (1809/2050)Previous 2087% (180/207)BreakpointsPrevious 20019% (388/2067)Previous 2025% (52/207)


Matteo Berrettini's Latest Matches

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GamesPrevious 4117Last 414

Win serves

2197 (53%)232 (56%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

18.77 %25.12 %

Won receiving points

0.88 %0.87 %

About Matteo Berrettini

This charming Italian tennis professional was born on April 12, 1996, in the city of Rome. He has been an allrounder since his childhood. Along with tennis, he actively participated in football, judo and swimming. But eventually, decided to pursue a career in tennis. In November 2019, he reached a career-high rank of world no. 8 on ATP singles.

  • Matteo has been dating Ajla Tomljanovic, who is a Croatian-born Australian tennis player, for a few years. The duo seems to be absolutely fond of each other.
  • The couple shares lovely pictures together on Instagram. You can also see these lovebirds among the crowd supporting each other, which is adorable. In fact, during Ajla’s Wimbledon 2021 match, Matteo was seated in the audience, visibly tensed about performance. However, with her incredible play, Ajla managed to win this match with a great score. 
  • This particular event was shared on Twitter and adored by millions of tennis fans.
  • His brother Jacopo Berrettini is also a tennis professional.
  • Matteo has confessed that he is the “most tensed person on the earth” when he visits his girlfriend’s and brother’s matches to show his support.
  • Furthermore, he idolises tennis masters Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer.
  • One of his favourite movies is the 2014 sci-fi epic, Interstellar. He also loves the TV show - Breaking Bad. 

Above all, he supports an NGO named ActionAid, which carries out various activities to help against injustice and poverty and support those who are in need.

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