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Yshai Oliel's

Ranking 415
IsraelYshai Oliel
Yshai OlielIsraelIsrael
Date of birthJan 5, 2000

Last 20 matches statistic

Yshai Oliel Stats

Wins48% (187/388)For last 20 matchesLooses52% (187/388)For last 20 matchesRecieve wins71% (138/195)For last 20 matchesBreakpoints25% (49/193)For last 20 matches


Previous 200 vs last 20 match of Yshai Oliel

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WinsPrevious 20047% (483/1019)Previous 2048% (187/388)LoosesPrevious 20053% (483/1019)Previous 2052% (187/388)Recieve winsPrevious 20075% (382/507)Previous 2071% (138/195)BreakpointsPrevious 20020% (101/512)Previous 2025% (49/193)


Yshai Oliel's Latest Matches






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GamesPrevious 1019Last 388

Win serves

483 (47%)187 (48%)

Lose serves


Break point conversions

19.73 %25.39 %

Won receiving points

0.75 %0.71 %

About Yshai Oliel

A Belgian tennis pro, Alison Van Uytvanck, had the highest career rank of world no. 37 in 2018. She was born on 26 March 1994 in Vilvoorde, Belgium. She currently resides in the town of Grimbergen, Belgium. 

Alison had shown exemplary performances in various tennis tours, winning 4 singles and 2 doubles WTA titles. Along with these, she also has 11 singles and 2 doubles ITF titles in her kitty.

Tennis Influences

Alison is one of the twins born to Krista Laemers and Rene Van Uytvanck. She also has an older brother who introduced her to the tennis sport at the age of 5. 

Since the beginning of her career, Alison has shown flawless performances during her matches. In 2011 alone, she clinched four ITF singles titles. After that, she has won a few matches and lost a few others. Currently, she stands at world rank no. 61 in August 2021.

Growing up, Alison idolised both Roger Federer and Kim Clijsters. 

Hobbies and Interests of Uytvanck

Alison is currently in a relationship with another female Belgian tennis star, Greet Minnen. The duo’s PDA moments are often caught by the media on the tennis court. They also share their happy moments on their Instagram accounts frequently.

The couple has been together for almost over 5 years. They hope to tie a knot in July 2022 in Belgium if the COVID-19 restrictions get loosened.

Alison is fond of dogs and owns a cute little husky named Balto. She and her girlfriend often spend time with Balto, playing and travelling together.

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